Pregnancy is a true miracle but can be one heck of a journey!! Whilst pregnant your body is working extremely hard to help create a beautiful baby and that can leave you feeling both physically and mentally drained. Treatments during pregnancy can be a healthy, natural way to help create balance within the body and mind. The key is every pregnancy is different and even every day can feel dramatically different. So this is why I tailor every treatment to your needs on the day. After having my fair share off rubbish pregnancy treatments where I left feeling unsatisfied because they wouldn’t use any pressure and it was a very basic routine every time, never personalized to my aches and pains. I want you to always leave feeling happy, relaxed and those little pregnancy niggles reduced.
Pregnancy Questions & Answers
When is it safe to have treatments during pregnancy?
From 12 weeks it is completely safe to have a pregnancy treatment. You can have treatments throughout your pregnancy and even use treatments to help encourage labour when the time is right.
Are the oils and products safe to have during pregnancy?
I believe in natural, organic products because everything you put onto the skin is absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, it is important that you feel relaxed in the knowledge that the products are nourishing your skin without affecting the baby, helping keep baby and mum happy and healthy throughout!
I struggle laying flat how will I have a massage?
Positioning during your treatment is crucial to your enjoyment. You should never be lying flat on your back when pregnant. Not only is it very uncomfortable for you as it places pressure in the middle and lower back, but it is also dangerous as it can affect your blood pressure, meaning you feel dizzy, sick, overheated and generally unwell. All traditional pregnancy back massages are carried out with you lying on your side supported with a pregnancy pillow. This regulates blood pressure and is super comfy, so you can fully relax. For any treatments where you need to lie on your back, the couch is lifted so you’re not flat and again feel comfortable and safe.
Can any treatments help with morning sickness?
Yes, reflexology can help calm morning sickness and give you longer periods without the sick feeling. It may not get rid of it completely, but it can make a real difference. The reflexology helps to balance hormone levels and therefore make you feel a little more human again.
I’m heavily pregnant and fed up, how can a treatment help me in the last few weeks of my pregnancy?
In the last few weeks of your pregnancy you can often feel fed up with the growing aches and pains especially as baby drops lower into the hips and pelvic girdle. You may be struggling to sleep and find your stress levels starting to creep up as you worry about the labour. A treatment is just what you need to help refocus the mind and keep you calm. The more stressed you become in the later stages of pregnancy can slow down how quickly you begin labour and contract and add days onto a pregnancy. A massage can help relax tense muscles and reduce water retention building up. Reflexology can help clear the mind and aid sleep. It can help balance and settle hormones and emotions. The best bit about reflexology is that when the time is right and if baby is engaged into position it can help bring on labour. So a treatment may be exactly what you need to help you through the last part of your pregnancy.